12/4/2021 15:34hiii... yeah.. ik it has been a long time haha. ummm yeah a lot has happened ive been super busy and honestly very burnt out. i was an ASM for the school musical so that took up a lot of my time!! i rlly don't know what to talk abt lol um... oh yeah. school is so so so so boring. my photo class literally kills me, its right after lunch and its my second to last class of the day, its so boring and tiresome... we don't take pictures in class, we just like, do nothing basically. ugh!! and i HATE ap lit i have it first thing in the morning its so fucking awful the teacher has it out for me i swear lol!! there was a lot of drama so far this year which was... well some of it was kind of funny i won't even lie. but yeah i might start doing like ootd things on here bc i think that would be cute! it would give me motivation to actually like... put effort into my appearance in the morning lmfao. also i just ordered a bikini kill cassette and ahh.. im so excited. its pink (i was thinking abt getting the purple vers bc its limited edition but my friends all said to get the pink one). last thing, i rlly need to update the art section of this page but im so lazy lol... also i opened an inprnt! will link that soon!
8/15/2021 21:37 holy shit... i have not written in a while! i was hospitalized for a while (sepsis is ....not fun!) but other than that... not much else is new? i've been watching the owl house lately and omg! its soooo good i love it a lot. school starts up again soon, on the 24th... im going to be a senior in high school. yikes ! not exactly looking forward to it. but what can you do? hopefully it'll be an easy year. im mostly taking art electives, i dont have to take a math class so thats a relief lol! also! got my ap scores back and ... i mean, i did good in ap lang and apes. 5 & 4, respectively! pretty proud of that ! but ap gov.... well. lol. i mean, i passed... but barely haha! i didnt ever end up taking my ap stats exam... oops. i definitely would have gotten a 1, tho, so ...
i need to get around to adding all my recent art on here! i dont like how low quality all the art i have on here is, i need to find a way to fix that. i would like to do that thing where you can click on it to enlarge it, just don't really know how ! guess im gonna have to google some stuff. for now we will have to deal with the nokia quality pics.. lol. anyways, i think i'll sign off for now! hope you are all doing well ^___^
6/21/2021 14:49 sorry i haven't updated in forever!!!! idk why i just have not had any motivation to do stuff lately... i've been watching a lot of degrassi (tng) and its so... omg. just insane lol. every bad thing that could happen to someone, happens on that show !! ToT lol i think ill go through and clean my room today.. it is SUCH a mess and idk why lmfao
6/5/21 01:09 today i hung out w my friends! we went shopping at our little village nearby. its like a big street with tons of restuarants and cute unique little stores, with a big park at one end of the street. i rlly love the shops there! there are two that sell things like incense, crystals, knickknacks + statues, jewelry, candles, etc etc...that kinda stuff yknow? they're really eccentric and the inside of the buildings are super cute too... one of them has a set of wooden stairs that lead up to a little loft where they sell blankets and tapestries, and they hang clothing and stuff like that off the railing. a lot of the stores there have those lofts, and also basements you can go in. there's also a bookstore there, a record store, antique store, a thrift store, an escape room (which my friends and i have been planning to go to for like.. ages lmfao) and a lot of restaurants..... i'm rambling but i've just always loved the merchants there! lots of unique and one-of-a-kind stuff. there used to be this big toy store that carried like, the weirdest novelty stuff, but the owner moved the shop somewhere else and now its a lot more commercialized *frowny face*

i got these cats w the long tails today at one of the stores! i got the pink ones a while ago from the same shop as well!i got a polaroid camera from the 80s abt a week ago off of etsy and i rlly like it :) it was a bit of an investment (but WAY cheaper than the new ones which are like $100) but i like the pictures it takes!
6/3/21 19:33 hi guys!! im officially done w school! hopefully this means ill have more time to update the site and be more active on neocities :3 hope you're all doing good!!
5/29/2021 im sooo sleepy today.. i have a ton of work to do this weekend but im gna be able to see my friends on monday so it's all good. i get out of school on june 3rd so im just counting down the days lol.
5/25/2021 15:58 omfg. omfg., ughhhh omg...... went to get my temps today. have been waiting to take the test for literal ages. we get there and wait in line and then find out my mom brought the wrong birth certificate. i can't take the test until next thursday (june 3) now lol. im so annoyed
5/21/2021 22:59 ughhh. i legit hate school so much bcoz it just stands in the way of all the fun stuff. and i have to write this dumb essay for class abt this true crime case and it makes me soooooooooo uncomfortable. i like true crime n all but this case is just gross :I. newayz. i've always got so much on my mind. mostly abt this one person, but man that is a whole other can of worms lol. life is just a little monotonous ... it can be frustrating. its like theres simultaneously too much and too little happening. i just want time to stop ig. but in the mean time i've been working on classwork n shit. did a painting 4 art class n i think it looks pretty nice. i honestly really like oil painting and i have an idea for one. but god art supplies r so expensive lol.
5/18/2021 13:37 whew!! today i went ahead and drew a bunch of pixel art to use on the site, bc it can be hard to find credit for all the old favicons out there... i'm not entirely happy w all of them so ill probably go back and tweak them as time goes on but for now i think its cute! i also added an update log 2 the front page so i can keep track of everything i'm doing! i would like to add a lil section for my sewing projects but i'll need to take a day to photograph stuff in order to do so...
ALSO aauguhh!! i wasn't able to take my ap stats exam yesterday and im a little pissed lol.... i mean. i would have gotten a 1 because i genuinely have not paid ANY attention in class all yr.. but still i just wanted to get everything over with!! so im either gonna have to take the make-up exam in june or just like, not do it at all?? idk how it works im just like afidjgudahj i hate standardized tests so much. lol. and i fucking hate college board... what a monopoly... ugh. anyways tho! hope ur all doing great and feeling well!! i got my second vaccine a couple weeks ago so i'm like fully juiced up n stuff lol. still making sure to be safe n wear masks tho!!
5/17/2021 12:10 this weekend i went out of town for my sisters law school graduation! we visited this mansion from the 1920s and it was rlly crazy lol.. rich ppl are wild lmfao there was a whole room for arranging flowers?? but yeah im super drained cos we rarely go out of town ...
5/14/2021 07:29ahh i've got an APES test today ;(( i am not at all prepared loll..after today i'll still have an ap stats exam and then im done w testing!! the amt of standardized tests ive had 2 take this yr is insane!! 7 tests where i have to sit in a room for 4-5 hours...T_T oh well haha